The Truth, not conspiracy

Archive for August 2011

US stays silent on 64 Americans deaths (of course)

August 31, 2011

The usual American cover up… don’t want the voters to know what really happened

The truth about Libya they didn’t want you to know

August 29, 2011”>


August 25, 2011

Can people not see what’s happening. Even on Al-Jazeera, the comentator said Gadsffi was evil and Libya owed no country any money…they had not borrowed from the IMF.. And all Libya’s money was invested…not in Gadaffi’s name I might add… This looks to me like a country being handled well,,,NATO can’t have that…not borrowing any […]


August 24, 2011

I am at a loss for words over the destruction of Lybia and the other countries on NATO hit list. Rebel forces were nothing without NATO. Yet NATO forces can bomb their way to Tripoli, killing thousands of civilians in their path. NATO have stolen the wealth of a independent country and destroyed it…leaving chaos. […]